Psvane ACME 2A3 Gyárilag párba válogatott
Based on the design of composite metal screen, the anode will be slightly reddish in operation. This is a normal phenomenon.
It takes at least 50 hours for the sound to gradually stabilize and it may take 150 hours or more to reach the state of perfection.
Műszaki adatok:
Maximum Rating
- Ua………………………… 300 V
- Pa………………………… 15 W
- Rg
- with cathode bias……… 0.5 MΩ
- with fixed bias………… 0.05 MΩ
- Direct Interelectrode capacitances
- input…………………… 7.5 PF
- output…………………… 16.5 PF
- grid to plate…………… 5.5 PF
Static parameter
- Ua………………………… 300 V
- -Ug………………………… 45 V
- Ia………………………… 60 mA
- Gm………………………… 5.25 mA/V
- ri………………………… 0.8 kΩ
- μ………………………… 4.2
- Pout………………………… 3.5 W
Class A1, single tube (fixed bias)
- Ua………………… 250 V
- -Ug…………………… 45 V
- RL…………………… 2.5 kΩ
- Ia(0)………………… 60 mA
- Gm…………………… 5.25 Ma/V
- ri…………………… 0.8 Kω
- μ…………………… 4.2
- Pout…………………… 3.5 W
- Dtot…………………… 5 %
Class AB1 push-full (fixed bias)
- Ua…………… 300 300 V
- -Ug…………… 62 Rk=780Ω V
- RL…………… 3 5 kΩ
- üg(pk)……… 87 110 V
- Ia(0)………… 80 80 mA
- Ia(max.sig)… 140 100 mA
- Pout……………15 10 W
- Dtot…………… 2.5 5 %